'Truth is Simple and Falsehood is Extremely Complex'
Abhijit Mukherjee
must be a healthy disrespect between a student and teacher – A Student should Question,
question and question to learn the truth.’ It is this principle which
was preached and practiced by this great teacher of Medicine Manu Liladhar
Kothari till the last day of his life. Our Sir (though I have nothing to do with
the profession of medicine or the subject per se) left us for his heavenly
abode at 5.30 AM of 16/10/2014 keeping us devastated and dumbfounded.
was in 2002 I met Sir and his co-author Dr. Lopa Mehta in their study of KEM /
GS Seth Medical College after reading his “Other Face of Cancer” and expressed
that why can we not have a website that would make his work reach the masses
and generate interest among the viewers to get into the depth of “Other Face of
Cancer”. He immediately agreed. My next submission to him was ‘let us talk to
the official media and get them know about your work’ because I argued ‘in
today’s world if you are not there in the media you are nowhere’. I was taken
aback by his reaction. He told me – ‘Look we are not even Pune returned, our
work is an attempt to seek the truth and we have never felt about its
propaganda so we do not have any expectations from this media’. I internalized
his reaction and realized I have met a man who is a true scientist, gives a damn
to propaganda and the quest for him is for the truth and truth only.
His work on Cancer has challenged probably all the prevalent notions of Cancer
ranging from Early Detection, to cause, prevention and treatment. While
inaugurating the book “Cancer–er Purono Bhoy and Notun Chinta” at Jibonanda
Sabha Ghar of Kolkata his voice reverberated “Cancer can never be detected
early”. He had been scathing and unhesitant in his words when it came to truth,
his Other Face of Cancer has gone in the history of medical literature as “revolution
within the politics of heath”. Ivan Illich further commented “This is the first book that puts the layman
into the position to useexpert advice rather than be used by the expert.”
are few people in this world whose practice and preaching are at tandem. Manu
Kothari is probably further exception to demonstrate it with his own death – a
death which could not have been more dignified. His book on Death “Living
Dying” drove home the point that death and disease are independent and
that death is function of time and disease is a function of body. He often used
to say “With each breath–in you inspire and with each breath–out you expire, if
you have your quota of breath remaining you will inspire again”. Just the day
preceding his death he had a hectic day consulting, avid discussion with his
daughter-in-law, usual play time with his grand – daughter and having his
dinner with the entire family, reminding to be woken up by 5.00 AM next day, he
did wake up with complaint of uneasiness and breathlessness, by 5.30 AM it was
all over. What could be bigger testimony
of “Living Dying”!!
Kothari had recently authored books on Blood Pressure, Immunology and AIDS. All
these books like the earlier ones again have questioned the prevalent notions.
His book on environment “GAIA’s Dying Declaration” will remain as one of prime
reference point for all environmental activists.
demise has left an irreparable void in our lives, but his works will remain
immortal and illuminate the path of innumerable truth seekers. His values and
principles like “Truth is Simple and Falsehood is extremely complex” will
remain engraved in the minds of commoners like us. We pledge solemnly to carry
on spreading his work and let people know the “Other Side” too.
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